What Did You Say?

Photo by Oleg Magni on Pexels.com

Bob and I were in the garage.  

“What do you want to do with these?” he asked, motioning toward carpet remnants.

“I don’t know.”

“Do you have plans for them?”

“No.  Do you?”

“I don’t want them if we’re not going to use them for something.”

Obviously.  Upon further thought, he decided one would be nice to lay on while working on vehicles but it was quite large.

“We could use some of it for Foxy, for on her floor,” I suggested.

He handed me the measuring tape.  “Here, go measure it.”

I came back with the measurements.  He marked the carpet.  “This looks really big.”

“It is.”

He made a little slice.  “This looks way too big.  Look, if I cut it where you told me, it’ll be more than half the carpet.  I’ll have hardly nothing left to lay on.”

I was feeling insulted.  “I know how to use a measuring tape.”

“I’m not saying that you don’t, but this is too big.”

“Then measure it yourself.”  It was getting too cold for me for much more debate.

He strolled out with the measuring tape and I followed him.  He went to the dog box that we have for Foxy outside of our partially enclosed basement entryway.

“I didn’t measure her box,” I said.  “I measured her crate.”

I measured the crate correctly but the measurements were indeed too big for what he thought I had measured.  I was irritated over our miscommunication.  A simple clarification would have spared me some agitation — not that I should have been agitated in the first place, but I was.

And so it is in our world today.  People vying to be heard, people vying to be right, people vying for their way to be the way and all for the enormous price of discord everywhere.  I declare to you today that the repair of communication malfunction begins with me.  And you.  Us as individuals.  Here’s some verses from the Good Book to get us started.

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.  Ephesians 4:29  KJV  

In other words, let no bad communication come out of your mouth so that we can build others up.

But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.  Matthew 12:36  KJV
We’ll answer for every useless word we speak.
And a couple of my all time favorite scriptures that pertain to speech are:
For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”  Matthew 12:37  KJV

And a verse much like the last:

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.  Proverbs 18:21   KJV

Have you given much thought to what you have spoken lately?  Is it something that you want to eat?

 As far as words go, I’ve discovered that I have a hard time believing people.  Think about this, I mean really, really, think about this: We have been conditioned for unbelief.  People tell us one thing but then do another.  We even do it to ourselves!  Don’t believe me?  How many times have you told someone, “I’ll be there by 5”, and you don’t show up until 5:15?  Sadly, I’ve done it myself.  And I’ve mostly done it to people who I know won’t be on time themselves.  I figure if their being late doesn’t matter to them then my being late shouldn’t matter to them.  But by living this way I’ve reduced my own character.  It’s not hurting them, that’s their way of life, it’s hurting me.  

My church is what one might consider a “full Gospel” church.  I like my church.  But do you know how often we have the “full Gospel” manifested during our services?  Not near as often as God would have it, not near as often as I desire it, and yet look what we’re giving God to work with.  We’ve given Him pointless, useless talk.  What’s worse, one doesn’t have to travel too many corridors to hear gossip, character assassination, or just plain meanness.  “In the church?!” you gasp.  Of course.  Are we really going to play this game of “I didn’t do it” instead of “Let’s repent, quit doing it, and move on”?  

I’m going to take today’s reprimand one step further.  We had a prophetic message that said in part, “The state that the world is in today I (the LORD) lay at the church’s door.”  If you want to argue that point and blame politicians, absentee fathers, and the next door neighbor, you’re wrong.  If you’re in the church, same as me, God deems us to blame for the mess we’re in.  Are we really going to argue with God?

2 Chronicles 7:14  KJV says:  If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

God is talking to His people.  He isn’t playing games.  He never has.  He never will.    His people, those of us who have taken Him unto ourselves, are at fault.  Listen, I’ve presented many, many encouraging words here at God’s Word Girl and all of them have been given in sincerity with Holy Spirit leading to the best of my ability.  I would be remiss, however, if I came to you with those types of words today.  God is on the move and He is working, but He is working on behalf of those who are wholeheartedly seeking Him.  

God is long suffering, yes, but we are coming to the end of the era of the indifferent church.  Holy Spirit will no longer be in attendance in those places where homage has not been given to Him.  One very wise man once said, “Go where you are celebrated, not tolerated.”  And yet we expect God Almighty, awesome, incorruptible, highly esteemed, our Creator, to go where He is not welcome?  Where His presence is not anticipated?  Expected?  Desired?  Wanted?  No more.  If you’re in a self-seeking church that doesn’t challenge you to grow in God I highly advise you to get out.  Now. 

We are crazy indeed if we think that church as usual is on tomorrow’s menu.  It is not.  Neither is Christian as usual.  We must be people who fulfill not only our word but God’s Word or we will cease to be.  God deserves better.  He deserves a Bride who loves Him without reservation, just as He loves us.  Listen, we’re not going to do this perfectly, this isn’t what today’s word is about.  It is about a call to make a decision to love and purposely grow in that love.  Further, it is a call to prove that love by action as best as we can. 

See, another part of the message to the church is that the fields are white unto harvest.  God hears the cries of the lost day and night.  He is looking for an army, those who will take His armor and His Name and fight for the lost.  I want to be on God’s side.  Do you?  Then join me.  Let’s take His armor and His name and go.   

TobyMac’s song, “Speak Life”, is perfectly fitting for this post.  Check it out by clicking the link below.


The old adage, If you don’t have anything good to say then don’t say anything at all, is still a good adage.

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My husband and I married over 20 years ago on a chilly, rainy, spring day. One year later caught me in a whirlwind as I was celebrating my first wedding anniversary, my first Mother's Day, and my first publication as a freelance writer. The birth of our third child followed a couple months after we celebrated our twins' 3rd birthday. Though a pen has been one of my constant companions, I have not pursued writing professionally due to the monumental task of homemaking and the raising of children. A shout out to my Robert who has been our sole provider while I have had the pleasure and privilege of remaining home with our children to homeschool them. Now, thanks to him, I have the liberty to once again pursue my passion to write and encourage others in written word as we journey with God through life experiences.

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